Premiere   November 2022 at The Danish National School of Performing Arts
​​​​​​​Idea and concept   Dorte Limkilde and Benedikte Beate Hansen 
Scenography and costumes   Benedikte Beate Hansen
Text   Dorte Limkilde
Stage master   Jon Gelting
Light master and consultant   Turpin Napoleon Djurhuus
Artistic consultants   Barbara Wilson, Rikke Juellund, Inger Eilersen
Special thanks to  Karmelitklostret, Rydebäck (SE), Sankt Dominikus kloster (SE), Sankt Lioba kloster (DK)
Photo   Peter Limkilde, Benedikte Beate Hansen
Hos os, der ikke var klostergivne, sov en nonne is a collaborative research project investigating the potential of rituals for generating material through the mediums of scenography and literature.
Scenographer Benedikte Beate Hansen and author Dorte Limkilde, are in this project working with the ambiguity between the restrictive and the liberating within the rituals of the convent. Through visits and interviews at various convents, Dorte and Benedikte Beate have gathered material to use in a dialogue between their respective art forms.
We work with a deep dependence between text and space, where one misses the other.
We investigate restrictive frameworks as motivation for going with our impulses.

We believe that literary imagery is closely connected to the concrete visuality of scenography.
How can the space make the text come alive and how can the text be an activation of the space?
The project is Benedikte Beate’s bachelor project in scenography at The Danish National School of Performing Arts.
Her collaboration partner in the project, Dorte Limkilde, has previously published her work Een lang nat (2022) at the publishing house Virkelig and is also a part of the writing collective BMS.
The project culminated in a 60 minutes sharing at The Danish National School of Performing Arts. This sharing took the form of a live investigative ritual and an installation of ritual traces.

Stills and details from the reseach proces for Hos os, der ikke var klostergivne, sov en nonne
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